Prof. Dr. Keith Humphries (Canada) releasing the first brochure of ICSCCB in Pune, India in October 2011 in the presence of Dr. SN Singh, Managing Director, Biovet Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India.
Dear Visitors,
Welcome to ICSCCB!
(News Flash: ICSCCB Pune has been moved to ICSCCB New Delhi.)
Based on my own experience and according to some surveys, almost ninety percent of Biotech and Biological Sciences graduates are not getting practical hands-on training to get employed immediately after finishing their degrees.
Considering that deficiency, we have started practical training courses, certificate programs and IFS programs with emphasis on high quality and relevant content delivery to students.
Our research projects are focussed on the “role of myeloid transcription factors in normal differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and in the pathogenesis of leukemic cancers”. We have similar projects on other cell types.
We have many distinguished scientists from around the world on our Scientific Advisory Board and they are actively participating and supporting our initiative. We hope to make ICSCCB one of the best industrial and academic research centres.
Our focus is on providing “knowledge and skills” by doing everything hands-on.
We look forward to welcoming you at the ICSCCB for a productive program.
With best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Sheo Mohan Singh
MSc(UK), PhD(Germany), PDF(USA,UK)
Director, ICSCCB, New Delhi, India